Cool Glass Art ‘Vestigium Series – Stratum’ by Joanna Lloyd


Luminous Glass Art


L: 9.7cm x D: 8.4cm x H: 11.5cm
2.3 kg

Cool Glass Art ‘Vestigium Series – Stratum’ by Joanna Lloyd

The ‘Vestigium Series – Stratum’ is another fine example of kiln-formed cool glass art by Joanna Lloyd.

This cool glass art deserves to be positioned in pride of place in a well-lit spot on a shelf or mantelpiece. This will show off its delicate and luminous colours to great effect.

A beautiful piece that captures light and reflects it in ever-changing ways when seen from different angles.

Step this way for more glass sculptures.

Cool Glass Art Artist

Joanna Lloyd is a contemporary glass designer-maker, who came to glass mid-career. Originally an archaeologist & landscape planner, Joanna returned to UCA Farnham to take a BA Hons in 3D Design in Glass, achieving a 1st class degree.  She then successfully completed an MA in Contemporary Glass Craft in 2015.

Joanna specialises in multi-cast glass, using a number of complex moulding processes. These incorporate fusing, lampworking, sandblasting, as well as cold working and polishing.

Joanna’s former experiences have informed much of her glass design and making, which is clear to see in the work we are delighted to showcase here.

This body of work is called the “Vestigium Series”. It is inspired by the idea that “we all leave a trace, a memory”. It references archaeology and the layers of ephemera we leave behind. Glass is the perfect material to use because of its inherent ethereal qualities.

The surface textures on the sculptures were cast directly from remains during archaeological excavations at Woking Palace in Surrey. The palace was occupied from medieval times and during the Tudor period was owned & occupied by Henry 7th and Henry 8th. Those surfaces are again reburied.

Joanna has exhibited her work extensively and was selected for the prestigious “Rising Stars” exhibitions in 2015 and 2016. She was an artist in residence at the University for the Creative Arts in Farnham during 2016-17. Joanna is a member of the Society of Designer Craftsmen.